This is the shocking story of a medical doctor/Ph.D. biochemist who has discovered the genetic mechanism that can cure most human cancers, but is being blocked by the FDA because of all the money they'll lose not being able to sell their ineffective drugs and treatments.
The video lasts 1 hour and 48 minutes. It is a must see for everyone. The film exposes the powerful, unscrupulous forces that work to maintain the status quo of the medical- and pharmaceutical industry at any cost—including the lives of millions of people.
Scroll down for the video. Even though the headline states the video is only available through June 20 it is still available for viewing for free. Depending on your internet speed, it will take awhile to download. Hang in there- it will play.
When the movie starts, the opening states the video is only available from June 11-13, but again, let it keep playing. The video will play in its entirety.
Find out more or purchase the film on DVD for $13.99 at: