Let's say you've taken the same road to work for years. You're used to that road. Then at the office you hear from a co-worker there's a different road that is better. Without even checking out the new road, you continue to take the same route you've taken for years- even though you've heard the new road is shorter, more scenic, and will save you money. Old habits are hard to break.
The jury is in: There's a new and better road to the best health: based on science and logic, a plant based diet is healthiest. If one is to make the switch, a change in perspective is needed. If someone has grown up their whole lives eating meat/food from animals, it may be very difficult to make the change. Even though very intelligent people have been presented with the scientific information and proof that a plant based diet is healthiest, they still refuse to make the change- because they refuse to change their perspective. It may have to do with cognitive dissonance. http://greg-foodforthought.blogspot.com/ It may have to do with stubborness. It may have to do with the fact that food from animals is addictive- they contain mild opiates.
Only when someone accepts the facts that a plant based diet is healthiest for people, healthiest for the earth, and healthiest for animals will they begin to think about changing their perspective.
Those that do, experience a whole new world- incredible new tastes, better health, more energy, and most importantly of all- a new and invigorating sense of spirituality and well being.