Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Disease promoting TV commercials, ads, and billboards
We are unknowingly bombarded by incorrect and disturbing information in our everyday lives- in TV commercials, in newspaper and magazine ads, and on billboards. What a sad thing. There are many of these misleading ads.
Here are 5:
1) On a TV commercial sponsored by the corn syrup business: To music in the background, a nice, smiling person in a beautiful corn field reports that scientists have proven that corn syrup acts exactly like sugar in the human digestive tract- that there is no difference.
And this is their selling point? They're counting on a naive public to be unaware that sugar kills (as well as corn syrup), that it is highly addictive, that it promotes diseases: cancer, heart disease, diabetes II, alzheimer's, obesity, and others. Processed white sugar has been compared by doctors to cocaine addiction as it is so hard to give up.
What a preposterous commercial. Isn't the corn syrup corporation aware of the health hazards of sugar and corn syrup? Yes they are the same. They are equally unhealthy!
2) There are several TV commercials for prescription drugs that state: "When diet and exercise aren't enough..." then they give their spiel for the need to take their drugs. What a lark. Take Lipitor for example, a drug to reduce cholesterol. If people wouldn't eat cholesterol in the first place, they would not have a cholesterol problem, plain and simple. There is cholesterol in all foods from animals. There is no cholesterol in plant foods. So, if your diet was healthy/plant based, you would not have a cholesterol problem- period. Diet and exercise would be enough.
Also be aware that all prescription drugs have harmful, unhealthy side effects, and are expensive. You are paying to be unhealthy, in more ways than one.
And if you do take prescription drugs for a diet related disease, the pills don't cure the problem. It's like putting a band-aid on a cut that never heals.
You can cure a diet related disease by turning to a low fat, plant based diet. See "The Starch Solution" in the Welcome entry of this blog.
3) In large print on a large billboard advertising a fish market along the highway in a southern state: "Fresh Farm Raised Catfish"
What a terrible, unhealthy selling point. This company obviously is hoping customers don't know the distinction between "Wild Caught" and "Farm Raised".
Maybe the company themselves don't know the distinction!?
A wild caught fish is caught in the wild- from a river, lake, or ocean. In other words, it has had a normal fish life.
A fish that is farm raised has been raised unnaturally in misery its whole life.
It is raised in a situation where it has to breathe its own sewage its entire life with many other fish in a confined area. Many people think, "so what, a fish has such a small brain, who cares?"
Fish are sentient beings that experience pain and stress. Having to inhale their own urine and excrement their entire lives makes their flesh unhealthy for human consumption. And by the way, fish is not health food. Besides containing cholesterol and saturated fat, fish are sponges for pollutants.
4) I pick on McDonalds alot, because they deserve it. Almost ALL fast food restaurants sell junk foods. I used to eat them. Now I understand what's in them. If you are what you eat, and you eat junk, what does that make you!?
I used to be a junk food junkie, until I became informed.
If we stop buying their junk, maybe fast food places would start serving healthier fast food. It is possible as there are a few individual fast food restaurants in western states that are offering healthier choices. We need to vote with our dollars folks. First, the general public needs to be educated.
On a highway McDonalds billboard, in large print by a huge burger:
"$1 buys Happiness."
It should read, "$1 buys disease and animal misery."
Educate yourself what is in that burger. Please click on the link:
McDonalds only uses factory farmed cows for their burgers. All factory farmed animals are raised in misery their whole lives.
So the next time you think about eating a McDonalds/any fast food burger, keep in mind, there's misery on the menu.
5) And my favorite commercial, (or least favorite) would be the milk mustaches. On posters in well-intentioned school cafeterias, on billboards, on TV commercials, in magazines and in newspapers, the dairy industry has plastered this unhealthy message everywhere brainwashing children and adults into thinking they need the milk from a cow to be healthy. If people were cows this would hold true. The milk from a cow is intended for its calf, not a person. I have written many blog entries on this topic. A recent one is two entries down:
In the entry "I am sad" I list several links dispelling the dairy myth. All foods from a cow promote diseases in people: cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes II, bone disease, and more. Please check out the links in "I am sad" for the truth on dairy.
We are the only country that consumes the milk from another animal.
We have been duped folks.
(And by the way, regarding the picture at the top of this entry with the kids watching TV, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) uses only factory farmed chickens- again, misery on the menu. Boycott! Do not buy. If we do not buy, hopefully they will start using only respectfully raised chickens, called free range.
At the very least, try to decrease your consumption of food from animals.
When I see all the incorrect information advertised out there in the world, the first thing I think about are children- unsuspecting, innocent children. It is time to get to the bottom of what is healthy for our kids, and what is not. We must all educate ourselves, and spread the word. There is a small growing army of people who are becoming "in the know". Maybe not in our lifetimes, but in the future there will be only TV commercials, ads, and billboards that promote the health of our children.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Plant foods, particularly vegetables are the real health foods.
Health for the Ages
Make “eat your vegetables” a timeless prescription.
Scroll down.
Submitted by Peter
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I am sad.
I am a school assembly performer, on a tour across the U.S. to almost every state, presenting programs on fitness and health. At the end of one of my recent shows, a little boy, maybe a 2nd grader? came up to me and asked,
"Is milk healthy?" The question probably came to him after I explained in the show that the two healthiest drinks for people on the earth are good clean water, and freshly squeezed juice from fruit or vegetables.
On previous tours years ago, I was much more vocal and honest in front of my audiences about the unhealthy qualities of food from animals, even if it got me in trouble. I even went so far as to say, "The two most dangerous foods for people are cheese and butter, because of their high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol." You can guess that this did not go over well in Wisconsin! I did not mention that dairy foods can cause Crohn's Disease in humans, irritable bowel disease, colitis, can contribute to obesity, diabetes II, and that all foods from a cow contain cancer promoting substances called casein and estrogen. Excess estrogen is linked to prostate and breast cancer. I did end my negative dairy message years ago with a question: "What is the natural purpose of a mother cow's milk?"
(answer of course to feed its calf)
In North Dakota where the state drink is milk, after seeing my school program, some kids went home and told their parents that this guy suggested that milk is not healthy to drink. This upset parents, who may have been dairy farmers, who in turned complained to the school principals, who in turn complained to my boss, who in turn demanded I take this message out of my shows. So- from that moment on, I had to choose my job over telling the truth to students about milk.
Back to the 2nd grader who asked if milk was healthy- I was handcuffed.
As much as I wanted to tell him, I told him that he must study to find that answer, that I knew the answer but I could not tell him- that he must find the answer for himself.
Abraham Lincoln said, "The truth is your truest friend, no matter what the circumstance."
Well, Mr. Lincoln, in a perfect world, that statement would be true. Here are links that provide proof that dairy is unhealthy, unless you are a calf:
It is amazing to me, that even when people are presented the truth about the milk from a cow, they discount the information and continue to consume dairy products. If it's not broke, no need to fix it right? Well it IS broke. Did you know that cow's milk is infected with viruses such as bovine leukemia virus? Maybe if someone gets sick, it'll be enough to change their minds. Maybe not. Some people resort to medication, mistakenly thinking it'll fix the problem, when in actuality the only way to heal or prevent a diet related disease is to turn to a healthy starch-based, plant-based diet- which does not include consuming the excretions/milk from another species.
In hind sight, the next time students asks me if milk is healthy, I'll give them a hint by leaving them with a question, "What is the natural purpose of a mother cow's milk?"
I could also tell them they can find the answer in the books "The Starch Solution", or "Eat To Live"
The titles are easy to remember.
Here in America, I cannot tell an elementary student the truth. I am sad.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Fat, sick, and nearly dead...
Check out this 13 minute audio interview. Joe got his health back, by adopting the People For Plants lifestyle. Click "Download audio".
Submitted by Peter
* Comment from a reader: "This is wonderful. It's funny how 'juicing' is seen by the medical professions and dieticians as being not so good and yet here it, along with a healthy diet, cured disease that couldn't be cured with medication.
We should be looking at food and lifestyle more often than just getting a prescription, but unfortunately that's harder for people to do given so many issues we have with affordability and resourcing of pure food.
I know that juicing is a great way of getting nutrients that couldn't otherwise be eaten. It's helpful in addition to daily food for children."
Editor's comment: If you take prescription medication for a diet related disease, the pills never heal the disease. It's like putting a band-aid on a cut that never heals. The best way to prevent disease is with a low fat, plant based diet.
If you do have a diet related disease, it can be healed with a low fat, plant based diet: "The Starch Solution".
Friday, November 25, 2011
There are two main rules for getting the most out of your vegetables:
– one is eat lots of different colored vegetables (not just the green ones)
and the other is never ever boil them. Boiling vegetables is a food crime. Besides nuking important nutrients, it also kills off delicate flavors, giving good vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts a bad name. If you ever wondered why Australia’s vegetable intake is low, boiling deserves some of the blame.
But while we’ve learned that lightly steaming is the best way to preserve flavor as well as nutrients like vitamin C in cooked vegetables, how well do other methods like roasting and stir-frying do when it comes to locking the food value in?
They’re pretty good, according to nutritionist Dr Rosemary Stanton in her latest book, The Choice Guide to Food – how to look after your health, your budget, and the planet.
“There’s not a lot of difference between stir-frying and steaming, as long as the stir-fried vegies are still crisp,” she says.
Stanton rates roasting as the next best way to preserve nutrients, especially if you wrap vegetables in foil. Stewing vegetables – as you might do in ratatouille or in a casserole - is okay too. You might lose some of the vitamin C and the B vitamin folate but most of it will go into the cooking liquid and be part of the meal, she adds. That’s assuming you don’t soak your vegetables in water first - another good way to sacrifice vitamin C.
But sometimes cooking can make it easier to get some nutrients from vegetables - carotenoids, an important group of around 600 plant chemicals found in brightly colored fruit and vegetables, are absorbed better from cooked vegetables than raw. That doesn’t mean you have to cook every carrot – they still contribute useful amounts of carotenoids in their raw state, says Stanton who suggests eating some of your vegetables raw, and some of them cooked.
As for what to dress your vegetables with, olive oil vinaigrette trumps fat free dressing every time.
“Carotenoids are absorbed better when some fat is eaten at the same meal – so adding a dressing with extra virgin olive oil or cooking tomatoes in olive oil helps to absorb these valuable compounds,” Stanton explains. "Make sure to always use olive oil (or any oil for that matter) sparingly, as it is pure fat, virtually zero nutrients. The fat you eat is the fat you wear."
But whatever the cooking method, the fibre content of vegetables is bullet proof and won’t be lost – even if your beans are soggy.
Along with the right cooking techniques, there are other ways of getting more bang for your buck with vegetables. Many nutrients work better as a team than all by themselves – which helps explain why eating a broad mix of fresh food is good for us. You’ll absorb more iron if you eat a vitamin C rich food with your iron food, for instance – think tomatoes or red capsicum with a plant source of iron like red kidney beans.
Tossing avocado into a salad can also make a difference. Along with its own package of vitamins and minerals, it has a similar effect to adding olive oil – the healthy fat helps us capture more nutrients. In a study at Ohio University, researchers found that the fat in avocado helped to absorb more of the antioxidant lycopene and more carotenoids from tomatoes. The same researchers found that when volunteers ate a salad they absorbed four times as much lutein from the leafy greens when avocado was added to the mix – lutein is the antioxidant credited with protecting against vision loss from macular degeneration.
Another winning combination could be broccoli paired with spicy salad vegetables like radish, rocket or watercress – University of Illinois researchers say that an enzyme in these hot flavored vegetables boosts broccoli’s cancer fighting properties.
If all this inspires you to get cooking with vegetables, there's a goldmine of ideas on the Well column of the New York Times - a collection of great vegetable recipes for Thanksgiving that can work for an Aussie Christmas.
The Choice Guide to food: how to look after your health, your budget, and the planet by Rosemary Stanton is published by Choice, RRP 29.95
Submitted by Peter
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Truth
There is a saying, "People tend to lie to themselves, rather than face the truth."
Even when science and logic are right in front of our faces, sometimes we choose not to believe it. That may mean having to change a belief, or habit, what we are used to. It points to a flaw in our human nature- our imperfection.
"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it." Blaise Pascal, 1660.
"Some like to understand what they believe in. Others like to believe in what they can understand." Stanislaw J. Lec.
Those that do change their lifestyles, their eating and drinking habits, for their own good and for the good of the earth, will reep the rewards. Those that continue to lie to themselves, well, let's just say "will make their own beds."
If you can make the foundation of your diet whole natural foods, good clean water, and freshly juiced fruits or vegetables, you will have the best chance for great health, to be at your best.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Golden what?
Ah yes... the "Golden Arches"...
As I drive all over the U.S. on my job as a school assembly presenter, I see lots of miles, and lots of fast food logos on exit signs wherever I go, enticing travelers to stop and partake in their unhealthy offerings. One day a few weeks ago, I had a revelation as I noticed yet another one of these exit signs, with McDonald's at the forefront of the group. Suddenly "The Golden Arches" took on a whole new meaning: The shape of the arches themselves can be likened to the shape of "tombstones!"
"The Golden Tombstones", "Eat here and die sooner."
Later that night at a motel, as I soaked in my nightly hot bath in the dark (my "yoga"), I came up with the idea the arches also look like "Moses' Tablets". "Thou Shalt Not Eat Here."
Back to the exit signs. Sometimes there are gas stations listed with restaurants on the same sign. I saw one yesterday with a Shell logo with the word "Gas" underneath, next to a McDonald's logo with the word "Food" underneath.
It should read like this: Shell logo with the word "Gas" underneath, next to the McDonald's logo with the word "Junk" underneath.
If you are what you eat, and you eat junk, what does that make you?
Regarding Ronald McDonald houses- for people with cancer, isn't it ironic that McDonald's promotes cancer with their unhealthy food, then gets great advertising from their "humanitarian" cancer houses? It's a vicious, profitable cycle. Just yet another example of a world turned upside down.
The only way change will occur is if people stop patronizing McDonald's and the like. If we start showing fast food restaurants we refuse to jeopardize our health by consuming their unhealthy junk food, maybe the fast food execs will educate themselves on what is healthy and what is not/be turned on to the teachings of ie: John McDougall, MD and others, and instead offer healthy fast food, or at the least healthier fast food. It is already being done on a small scale across the U.S.
Unfortunately this scenario is light years away. We need to start voting with our dollars folks. Meanwhile, fast food bigwigs will continue to profit handsomely from the unsuspecting, uninformed, obese public.
Peter adds: "For a long time I have been somewhat cynical about Ronald McDonald house as they call it here in Australia. It's for kids suffering from cancer and other diseases. The world would have a lot less cancer cases if their unhealthy foods weren't so ubiquitous! I'm sure McDonald's execs however justify the sale of their junk food in their own minds. All in the name of profits of course! Introducing truly healthy foods into their menu is just too risky as they see it. By risky I mean less profitable. Oh, but we create jobs, or that's what the market wants, we provide cheap food for people with less money, and so on the weak arguments continue.
Can we possibly hope that in 20 or 30 years there will actually be a few 'healthy' options on their menu?"
So the next time you see the "Golden Arches", on an exit sign or on the restaurant itself, see if the arches don't remind you of tombstones,
or Moses' tablets. "Thou shalt not eat here!"
As I drive all over the U.S. on my job as a school assembly presenter, I see lots of miles, and lots of fast food logos on exit signs wherever I go, enticing travelers to stop and partake in their unhealthy offerings. One day a few weeks ago, I had a revelation as I noticed yet another one of these exit signs, with McDonald's at the forefront of the group. Suddenly "The Golden Arches" took on a whole new meaning: The shape of the arches themselves can be likened to the shape of "tombstones!"
"The Golden Tombstones", "Eat here and die sooner."
Later that night at a motel, as I soaked in my nightly hot bath in the dark (my "yoga"), I came up with the idea the arches also look like "Moses' Tablets". "Thou Shalt Not Eat Here."
Back to the exit signs. Sometimes there are gas stations listed with restaurants on the same sign. I saw one yesterday with a Shell logo with the word "Gas" underneath, next to a McDonald's logo with the word "Food" underneath.
It should read like this: Shell logo with the word "Gas" underneath, next to the McDonald's logo with the word "Junk" underneath.
If you are what you eat, and you eat junk, what does that make you?
Regarding Ronald McDonald houses- for people with cancer, isn't it ironic that McDonald's promotes cancer with their unhealthy food, then gets great advertising from their "humanitarian" cancer houses? It's a vicious, profitable cycle. Just yet another example of a world turned upside down.
The only way change will occur is if people stop patronizing McDonald's and the like. If we start showing fast food restaurants we refuse to jeopardize our health by consuming their unhealthy junk food, maybe the fast food execs will educate themselves on what is healthy and what is not/be turned on to the teachings of ie: John McDougall, MD and others, and instead offer healthy fast food, or at the least healthier fast food. It is already being done on a small scale across the U.S.
Unfortunately this scenario is light years away. We need to start voting with our dollars folks. Meanwhile, fast food bigwigs will continue to profit handsomely from the unsuspecting, uninformed, obese public.
Peter adds: "For a long time I have been somewhat cynical about Ronald McDonald house as they call it here in Australia. It's for kids suffering from cancer and other diseases. The world would have a lot less cancer cases if their unhealthy foods weren't so ubiquitous! I'm sure McDonald's execs however justify the sale of their junk food in their own minds. All in the name of profits of course! Introducing truly healthy foods into their menu is just too risky as they see it. By risky I mean less profitable. Oh, but we create jobs, or that's what the market wants, we provide cheap food for people with less money, and so on the weak arguments continue.
Can we possibly hope that in 20 or 30 years there will actually be a few 'healthy' options on their menu?"
So the next time you see the "Golden Arches", on an exit sign or on the restaurant itself, see if the arches don't remind you of tombstones,
or Moses' tablets. "Thou shalt not eat here!"
"Pass the pink slime and meat glue"...
You’re not going to believe what you’ve been eating the last few years (thanks meat industry lobbyists!) when you eat a McDonald’s burger (or the hamburger patties in kids’ school lunches) or buy conventional ground meat at your supermarket.
"It’s “the cheapest, least desirable beef on offer — fatty sweepings from the slaughterhouse floor, which are notoriously rife with pathogens like E. coli 0157 and antibiotic-resistant salmonella. (Beef Products, Inc. or BPI) sends the scraps through a series of machines, grinds them into a paste, separates out the fat, and laces the substance with ammonia to kill pathogens. With the U.S.D.A.’s stamp of approval, McDonald’s, Burger King and other fast-food giants use this "pink slime" as a component in ground beef, as do grocery chains. The federal school lunch program used an estimated 5.5 million pounds of this processed beef last year alone. And since the USDA considers it a "process", ammonia (which is poisonous) doesn't have to be listed on the packaging as a separate ingredient!"
Also, check out this 5 minute video on of all things: "meat glue".
Comment from a reader: "Our society has become so profit driven, that money has become more important than the citizens. This only proves that lobbyists have their strong hold on law makers. But at what cost? It may make the beef farmers a little more profit. However, the health risks and costs that will mount up from people getting sick or even die just doesn't seem to be worth it, even from an economical stand point.
I bet the people that passed this don't feed their families this kind of product. Seems that only the less fortunate, and poor will get stuck eating this kind of garbage."
From someone else: "The industrialization of food production, specifically the way animals are raised, slaughtered and processed, and the resulting consequences, is really the central issue. The humane treatment of the animals is at best an afterthought, as is the welfare of all the humans who consume these products. The driving force is profit for corporations, who care about nothing else except the bottom line.
Why are we always shocked when the food produced is tainted, or lethal?
It's just a natural result of abusing nature, being oblivious to animal rights, and placing profit above everything else."
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
This is another "must see" from John McDougall, MD.">">
After you've arrived at the link, scroll down the page 4/5 of the way (a long way) to see on the left:
FREE 4. Marketing Milk and Disease
Click here to download now.
Once you've found this, there is a choice to watch the video or listen to the audio. (I recommend the video.) If you scroll down from the video selection you'll see audio-only.
It will take awhile to download. Be patient. It is definitely worth the time to hear this information.
An excerpt right from the doctor: "Got Milk? Got disease."
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Just because you exercise...
does not mean you have a healthy lifestyle. You must eat healthy, drink healthy, AND exercise. I know people who tell me, "It doesn't matter what I eat, just so I exercise the calories away, I'll be healthy."
These people are misinformed or uninformed.
You have to first educate yourself what is healthy and what is not regarding food and drink. Only then will you have a chance for a completely healthy lifestyle: healthy food and drink combined with regular exercise.
For example, you need to understand that the sludge in food from animals- the saturated fat and cholesterol- builds up in your arteries and blood vessels over time promoting diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and atherosclerosis- hardening of the arteries.
Think of the grease drippings from meat (which is fat and cholesterol). If you let it sit, it solidifies. This is the sludge you are putting through your arteries, blood vessels and organs.
Here is a fantastic 4 minute video from Dr. Michael Greger: Eliminating the #1 Cause of Death
The best way to not have a cholesterol problem is to not eat it. There is only cholesterol in food from animals- none in plant foods. There is fiber only in plant foods- none in food from animals. Fiber acts as a healthy scrub brush in your colon. Plant foods digest quickly. Animal foods sit in your colon for long periods of time and putrify. A diet high in animal foods and low in plant foods over time promotes colon cancer.
On a different note: I know someone who tells me, "I can eat whatever I want, just so I take my cholesterol pills". This person could not be farther from the truth. Pills do not heal disease, they merely mask it. Taking pills for a diet related disease is liking putting a band-aid on a cut that never heals. The best way to heal a diet related disease is to turn to a starch based, plant based diet. Would you rather not have to take those expensive pills?
The best way to protect your heart, your arteries, your blood vessels, your organs- your entire body and your mind/your mental health, is by having a healthy diet- a starch based, plant based diet, combined with some form of regular exercise.
The reason many people have a problem considering switching to a starch based, plant based diet is they are addicted to junk foods and food from animals. Sugar addiction has been compared to cocaine addiction, it is so hard to give up. There are mild opiates in all food from animals, making them addictive and hard to give up. Again, if you educate yourself and put into your brain what is healthy and what is not, making the change from a junk food/animal foods diet to a starch based, plant based diet is much easier.
This is your life, your longevity we're talking about. The choice is yours.
Best of luck! :)
Here's a comment from a reader: "The runner, Jim Fixx, argued with Nathan Pritikin that if you could run a marathon you could eat anything you wanted.
In other words, exercise allows you to eat anything. Jim Fixx died of a heart attack at the age of 56 while out running.
A friend who was very slim told me she could eat anything she wanted and remain slim- just like her mother. I asked how old her mother was. She said her mother had died, at 55 years old.
So your body may be in great shape, you may be fit, but all the fat ends up in your arteries. You would be better off if it took up housekeeping on your hips, thighs and belly. At least then you would know you have a problem.
Exercise won't help in the long run if you don't eat well. It could actually be more dangerous than being a couch potato."
Another reader writes: "This reminds me of my father. About 10 years ago at the age of 61 he had a mild heart attack and underwent quadruple bypass surgery. This was a man who never smoked or drank and was very active. While he didn't "exercise", he cut firewood to heat his house in the winter and lived a very active, rural life with very rare instances of illnesses and was thin. The problem was his cholesterol was in the 300's from lots of animal products. Much of it was home-grown beef/pork so you can't blame it on supermarket meat.
The year after his bypass he climbed an indoor rock climbing wall without much difficulty and just a year ago at 70 he climbed Stone Mountain and completed 15 push-ups at the top. His eating cleaned up considerably after his operation for a few years, but has reverted back and won't change because of all the medications he's taking to keep his heart "healthy". I fear he will have another event. I bet he would live a very long life if he followed a starch based, plant based diet, which he won't."
One more reader adds: "Michael, for your dad and many others, my diagnosis is: an unhealthy lack of fear.
They probably would not cross the street without looking to see if vehicles were approaching but they will eat recklessly. So your dad may live to be 90 and do quite well but if he would listen to you maybe he could drop some meds, feel even better and reach 99!!! :)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Is junk food really cheaper than healthy food?
This is an excerpt from an article from the New York Times written by Mark Bittman, submitted by a reader:
The “fact” that junk food is cheaper than real food has become a reflexive part of how we explain why so many Americans are overweight, particularly those with lower incomes. I frequently read confident statements like, “when a bag of chips is cheaper than a head of broccoli ...” or “it’s more affordable to feed a family of four at McDonald’s than to cook a healthy meal for them at home.”
This is just plain wrong. In fact it isn’t cheaper to eat highly processed food: a typical order for a family of four — for example, two Big Macs, a cheeseburger, six chicken McNuggets, two medium and two small fries, and two medium and two small sodas — costs, at the McDonald’s a hundred steps from where I write, about $28.
In general, despite extensive government subsidies, hyperprocessed food remains more expensive than food cooked at home. For instance, you can serve a plant based meal of brown rice and beans with salsa, a steamed vegetable plus a nice salad- easily enough for four people and costs about $9.
Another argument runs that junk food is cheaper when measured by the calorie, and that this makes fast food essential for the poor because they need cheap calories. But given that half of the people in this country (and a higher percentage of poor people) consume too many calories rather than too few, measuring food’s value by the calorie just does not make sense.
The alternative to soda or pop is water, and the alternative to junk food is not grass-fed beef from a trendy farmers’ market, but anything other than junk food that is healthy- plants. Instead of a meat selection, start centering your meals around an energy loaded starchy vegetable such as:
sweet potatoes
or any kind of potatoes
or rice
or beans
or corn
or grains
or any combination of the above, supplementing your meals with fruit, fresh vegetables, canned vegetables, frozen vegetables- any plant food eaten raw or cooked in a healthy way (using no oil) — in every case a far superior alternative.
From the blog editor: When you factor in the cost of illness associated with a diet of junk food combined with an animal food based diet, a starch based, plant based diet is much more inexpensive.
Woudn't it be nice...
if every doctor was like this man: Michael Klaper, MD. Scroll down for the 5 minute video.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Dangerous Ideas?
Written by blog editor Peter
The podcast below is about a plant based diet presented by Jonathan Safran Foer, the author of "Eating Animals" was broadcast on Australia's ABC national radio. Foer is part of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas taking place this weekend.
Who would have thought that going vegetarian is a dangerous idea?
Many Americans and Australians are so wedded to the consumption of meat and animal products that they do indeed regard eating a starch based, plant based diet as heresy.
I used to think like this. When I was in my late teens, relatives who we hadn't seen for while stayed with us for a few days. They told us that following a plant based diet was healthy, and that consuming too much meat was unhealthy.
I thought they were cranks! In fact I had grown up with what most people in industrialized western countries thought was essential- getting plenty of protein via meat and animal products.
Fortunately a few years later as I began to study nutrition I became vegetarian, and then two years after that vegan. It's one of the best decisions I ever made. Do I feel I'm missing out? In fact the contrary is true. I have no desire to eat any animal products as the plant options as so vast. As I've explored the vast array of plant foods that are available in western countries I've never enjoyed food as much, with the added side-effect of maintaining excellent health.
And by the way, there is a big proten myth: Scroll down.
Foer doesn't say that you should give up meat but that you should reduce your consumption, and increase the quantity of plants you consume for your health, for the environment, and to decrease the overall number of animals used for food that are raised in poor conditions. Less meat and more plants.
Now that's not too dangerous or scary is it?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Please see this video:
This is the shocking story of a medical doctor/Ph.D. biochemist who has discovered the genetic mechanism that can cure most human cancers, but is being blocked by the FDA because of all the money they'll lose not being able to sell their ineffective drugs and treatments.
The video lasts 1 hour and 48 minutes. It is a must see for everyone. The film exposes the powerful, unscrupulous forces that work to maintain the status quo of the medical- and pharmaceutical industry at any cost—including the lives of millions of people.
Scroll down for the video. Even though the headline states the video is only available through June 20 it is still available for viewing for free. Depending on your internet speed, it will take awhile to download. Hang in there- it will play.
When the movie starts, the opening states the video is only available from June 11-13, but again, let it keep playing. The video will play in its entirety.
Find out more or purchase the film on DVD for $13.99 at:
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Got Courage?
Do you have the courage to watch this video on the truth about milk and dairy products presented by Joseph Keon, Ph.D.?
Dairy: Essential Nutrition or Health Saboteur?
Dr. Keon's talk begins about 4 minutes into this 54 minute video.
An excerpt:
About 41 1/2 minutes into the video he says: "We don't need the milk of any other species at any time of our lives. The best thing we can do is turn our back on the dairy bandwagon. We can adopt a plant strong diet where all the nutrients are to support bone health, and make sure to exercise/be active."
We sincerely hope you take the time to watch this video in its entirety, and discover the real truth about milk and its hazards to human health.
Dr. Keon's new book can be found on his website:
(Link supplied by Peter)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The good news is, you have a choice.
It is estimated that about 95% of the people in the United States do not understand which foods are healthy, and which are not. Many will contract a diet related disease such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes II, obesity- there are many more. I'm here to tell you that you do have a choice. You can prevent or heal many diseases with a diet of nutritional excellence. I absolutely love the food I eat now. I do not feel deprived. Why would I feel deprived of food and drink that promotes disease?
Since I've turned to a healthy diet of plants- vegetables, fruits, beans/legumes, seeds, nuts, and whole grains, my senses of taste and smell have heightened.
I avoid processed sugar/concentrated sweeteners, salt, and oil whenever I can. My tastes buds are so sensitive and healthy now. The only way to experience what I am talking about is to try this lifestyle.
The first thing you must do is educate yourself, that is key. See the book recommendations in the Welcome entry:
You must have an open mind to unconventional wisdom, because if you don't, you'll more than likely join the conventional who will contract a diet related disease. Pain and pills may be in your future. And by the way, pills never heal disease. It's like putting a band-aid on a cut that never heals, not to mention the side effects and expense.
And remember, you do have a choice. I hope when you're older, you don't regret what you chose to eat and drink.
*A reader's response to this entry: "Yes, we DO have a choice, thank goodness! What amazed me initially and still amazes me is how EASY this choice has been. People on the other path are always asking (with sympathy or derision) "Isn't it HARD to eat that way?" But the truth is, it was never all that difficult to choose plant-and-starch-based eating, and it gets easier with each passing day. This way of eating gets inside your head. Foods that I craved before have become unappealing. I expected the physical changes of better health. I did not expect the emotional changes of peacefulness and joy."
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Two Most Dangerous Foods
According to Joel Fuhrman MD the two most dangerous foods for people are cheese and butter. These foods contain high levels of uhealthy fats and cholesterol, which clog arteries, promote heart disease, obesity, and more.
There is only cholesterol in food from animals. There is no cholesterol in plant foods.
There is no fiber in food from animals, only in plant foods.
Read Dr. Fuhrman's nutritional primer Eat To Live, or any of his books.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Take a different road? You may have to change your perspective.
Let's say you've taken the same road to work for years. You're used to that road. Then at the office you hear from a co-worker there's a different road that is better. Without even checking out the new road, you continue to take the same route you've taken for years- even though you've heard the new road is shorter, more scenic, and will save you money. Old habits are hard to break.
The jury is in: There's a new and better road to the best health: based on science and logic, a plant based diet is healthiest. If one is to make the switch, a change in perspective is needed. If someone has grown up their whole lives eating meat/food from animals, it may be very difficult to make the change. Even though very intelligent people have been presented with the scientific information and proof that a plant based diet is healthiest, they still refuse to make the change- because they refuse to change their perspective. It may have to do with cognitive dissonance. It may have to do with stubborness. It may have to do with the fact that food from animals is addictive- they contain mild opiates.
Only when someone accepts the facts that a plant based diet is healthiest for people, healthiest for the earth, and healthiest for animals will they begin to think about changing their perspective.
Those that do, experience a whole new world- incredible new tastes, better health, more energy, and most importantly of all- a new and invigorating sense of spirituality and well being.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
What if?...
"What if the world’s leaders got together and with the help of Sanjay Gupta, Bill Clinton, Colin Campbell, and a few other prominent and credible experts- came to the obvious conclusion that human beings should no longer be eating animals or their products?
What if they suddenly realized that our consumption of those 60 billion animals a year is destroying our health, our environment, or our continued ability to feed the world?
What if they connected all the dots and came to the unanimous, and obvious, conclusion that the way we are feeding ourselves is not only insane, but it is completely unsustainable for very much longer?
Then what if they came up with a transition plan to steadily decrease our consumption of animal-based calories from where it is today to ZERO over the next twenty years?"
What if?
A sharp increase of more plant calories in our Western diets would do some wonderful things for the big three global problems we’re facing: world hunger, the energy crisis and the availability of water.
So if the above "what ifs" were met, human health would benefit, earth health would benefit, and the health of animals would benefit.
J.M. Hicks
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"We’ve known for almost 20 years that compared to long-time vegetarians, those eating meat (including poultry and fish) appear to have three times the risk of developing dementia. Since studies show “even moderately elevated cholesterol increased dementia risk,” the cognitive impairment more often seen in those eating meat may be due to atherosclerotic plaque building in the brain’s blood vessels, which can cause micro-infarctions or “ministrokes” that can kill off little parts of the brain the way clogged coronary arteries can kill off parts of the heart during a heart attack."
Michael Greger, MD
* There is only cholesterol in food from animals. There is no cholersterol in plant foods.
Monday, August 29, 2011
"The Last Heart Attack"
When most people have their first heart attack, they do not survive it.
If you have a heart attack and survive, it will cost on average $112,000.
The good news is, it can be prevented.
Here's the much awaited video that will provide the proof that you can prevent a heart attack.
Scroll down for the video "The Last Heart Attack".
(Link supplied by Peter)
From The United Nations.
“A global shift towards a plant based diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change,” a UN report said today (June 2, 2010)
“As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable,” says the report from United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management.
The article continues, “Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products.”
Sunday, August 28, 2011
When the brightest and best-educated people in the world suddenly realize that we can promote our own health, not only can we reduce fossil fuel consumption by 30%, we can save up to 80% of our health care dollars, stop the erosion of our land, restore our forests, save our water, feed twenty times more people on the same amount of land and so much more — they will lead the world back to eating the kind of food that we were supposed to be eating in the first place. We’re eating the wrong food, the wrong food, the wrong food. Incredibly, as the self-described smartest animals that have ever lived, we humans of the Western world are the only species in history who haven’t yet figured out what we should be eating- plants.
J.M. Hicks
Friday, August 26, 2011
Becoming Heart Attack Proof
By Dr. Sanjay Gupta - CNN Chief Medical Correspondent
(Dr. Gupta's interview with Bill Clinton, soon to be aired on CNN, is titled "The Last Heart Attack".)
While working on “The Last Heart Attack,” I had a chance to interview some extraordinary people around the country. Patients struggling with heart disease provided lessons that can sometimes be taught only after being smacked in the face with their own mortality. For example, I have never seen former President Clinton so candid. He was convinced he was going to die back in 2004, after feeling chest tightness during a flight back to New York on a small plane.
I interviewed cardiologists who believe we are so darn close to virtually eliminating heart disease. And, the truth is, it doesn’t involve spending any more money, investing in any more research or creating anymore tests. Rather, it will take a strict implementation of what we already know about diet and nutrition. It will also take brave champions to navigate through the clutter of confusing counsel, special interests and shoddy science.
One day, I had a chance to speak to a couple of those champions candidly while waiting for a shoot to begin - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. I had read Campbell’s book, "The China Study," years ago and remember how audacious he was in telling readers that most of what they believed about food and its relationship to health and disease was plain wrong. His findings changed the way people all over the world eat, including me.
And, I will admit, while I had trained my whole life to treat disease after it developed, I wasn’t medically trained in nutrition to be able to help prevent some of these diseases in the first place. Most of what I have learned has been on my own, since leaving medical school, and I think that is true for many doctors of my generation.
Simply put, Campbell’s research team found people who ate the most animal-based foods also had the most chronic disease. As important, people who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest. Campbell went on to describe the specific connections between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes and cancer. He also wrote of the ability to use nutrition to reverse these conditions – something that can start at almost any age.
Esselstyn took it a step further. “Sanjay, we want to make you heart attack proof.” Pretty audacious, I thought, but I couldn’t help but be engaged by this Cleveland Clinic surgeon, who was now devoting his life to preventing the diseases he made a living treating.“We are never going to end the epidemic of heart disease with stents, bypasses and medications,” he told me. That was music to my ears, because I didn’t want any of those things. Of course, it would involve essentially eliminating meat, dairy, eggs and oil – even olive oil. “Nothing with a mother, and nothing with a face,” the good doctor added.
Honestly, over the years, I have practiced the adage “eat to live,” not “live to eat.” Still, I knew it was going to be tough to carry out what he was asking. I started with a practical question for him. He was on the road traveling, and I was curious what he ate. “Thai food is always a good bet,” he told me. Sharon Kintz, who is a 66-year-old heart patient, joined me in Times Square to prove she could find a meal that satisfied her vegan requirements. Even former President Clinton says he is a vegan nowadays, and doesn’t at all miss the fast food for which he was once famous.
Virtually eliminating heart disease – it can be done, and truth is, we have known for a very long time how to do it. People have said to me as I was preparing this documentary – “Sanjay, you are advocating a radical change to the way we eat.” Perhaps, but if you really think about it, the way we eat now is in fact more radical. And when we look back on this time, a couple of hundred years from now, I guarantee you that our diet of today will be considered one of the most radical in history.
If we collectively ever want to get to the point where we have “The Last Heart Attack,” a good start would be to stop ignoring what we already know to be true.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The two superfood classes of vegetables most adept at blocking cancer-
can you guess what they are?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
If there's ever been a reason to eat a plant based diet:
The following 5:50 minute video is a must see.
The picture above is a melanoma (cancer) cell, color-enhanced and magnified.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Got the facts on Milk? (The Milk Documentary)
Got the facts on Milk? (also known as "The Milk Documentary" is an entertaining, award winning feature documentary that dares to question the conventional wisdom of the much publicized health benefits of milk and dairy products.
Addressing myth, truth and all in-between, the film is a humorous yet shocking exposition that provokes serious thought about this everyday staple.
There is a trailer if you'd like to check it out.
The DVD will be available for purchase August 30, 2011, or you can stream the movie for a small fee starting 8/30/11 as well.
Topics discussed in the movie include:
Lactose Intolerance and its effect on our education
The Dairy Industry’s direct Environmental impact
Diabetes triggers
Cancer Escalation Epidemic
Obesity Increase and Causes
Infant and baby nutrition and effect on intelligence
Milk and the calving industry
Milk Hormones
Puss and levels of infection in today’s milk
Government subsidies
The effect government has on what we eat
How marketing media has infiltrated and tainted our education
The key to excellent health begins with education, education, education.
Slowly but surely the truth about what we eat and drink is being made publicly available.
Become healthy. Become a Person For Plants.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
"It's turning your ship around before it hits the iceberg." Bill Clinton
Former U.S. president Bill Clinton has a very high IQ. Luckily the right people presented him with the needed information to reduce his risk of suffering yet another heart attack. What a great ambassador for a plant food diet he has become, especially when he loved many foods in the SAD (Standard American Diet)-particularly unhealthy deep fat fried food.
Clinton's dietary saga began in 1993, when Hillary sought healthier food for the White House.
After a heart attack, then a stent procedure, Bill decided to make profound changes in the way he eats.
The former president now says he consumes no meat, no dairy, no eggs and almost no oil.
For the scoop:
Tune in to CNN as Dr. Sanjay Gupta explores the signs, tests and lifestyle changes that could make cardiac problems a thing of the past on "The Last Heart Attack," this Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 7 p.m. CT.
Entry submitted by blog editor Peter
Monday, August 15, 2011
A human consuming cow's milk/dairy products promotes:
From J. Morris Hicks blog:
"the casein in cow’s milk is a carcinogen."
For the complete entry entitled Cow’s milk; not a health food go to
Are there any reasons for you to make any changes in your diet?
From J. Morris Hicks blog: ...approximately one third of our fossil fuel consumption (in the USA) goes to the production of livestock for our dinner tables. We also found that on a per calorie basis, it takes twenty times more energy for animal-based foods as compared to whole plant foods. That means that if we all shifted to eating mostly plants, we could lower our nation’s total fossil fuel consumption by 30 percent.
When the brightest and best-educated people in the world suddenly realize that we can promote our own health, not only can we reduce fossil fuel consumption by 30%, we can save up to 80% of our health care dollars, stop the erosion of our land, restore our forests, save our water, feed twenty times more people on the same amount of land and so much more — they will lead the world back to eating the kind of food that we were supposed to be eating in the first place. We’re eating the wrong food, the wrong food, the wrong food. Incredibly, as the self-described smartest animals that have ever lived, we humans of the Western world are the only species in history who haven’t yet figured out what we should be eating. We should be eating PLANTS.
People For Plants.
Become a Person For Plants.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Why is it so hard for some to switch to a plant-based diet? or "Sour grapes anyone?"
A friend Sue wrote: "I am continually amazed at what is common knowledge for us regarding healthy eating is unknown to intelligent and knowledgeable people."
Upon reading Sue's comment, a friend Peter adds: "Just because someone is intelligent doesn't mean they are being logical, or are basing their decisions on facts when it comes to what they eat and drink. What I think is going on here is cognitive dissonance."
Definition of DISSONANCE
1. lack of agreement; inconsistency between the beliefs one holds and new information
"the dissonance between what we are told and what we have eaten our entire lives"
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance. They do this by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and actions, or discounting information because it goes against what they believe.
2. Dissonance is reduced by justifying and denying. A closely related term, cognitive disequilibrium- the experience of a discrepancy between something new and something already known or believed, ie: a plant-based diet as compared to an unhealthy diet one has grown up with.
In a state of dissonance, people may feel guilt or anger. People are biased to think of their food choices as correct, despite contrary evidence. This bias gives dissonance theory its predictive power, shedding light on otherwise puzzling irrational and destructive behavior.
Peter concludes:
"People liken to the sound of a particular narrative which they find unpleasant to overturn. For many years the message commonly promoted has been more protein i.e. animal products. It's taken a while for facts to emerge that a plant based diet is healthier, and still you have to dig for this information. When you present someone who is committed to a typical meat eating diet with this information they often don't like it because it changes the narrative they have been told all their life. Furthermore people would like to believe that they can still eat their favorite unhealthy foods and continue to maintain optimum health.
Only people with an open mind are likely to accept the information about the benefits of a plant based diet. 'Eat your vegetables' as grandma used to say had a ring of truth to it."
A classical example of this idea, and the origin of the expression "sour grapes" is expressed in the fable The Fox and the Grapes by Aesop. In the story, a fox sees some high-hanging grapes and wishes to eat them. When the fox is unable to think of a way to reach them, he surmises that the grapes are probably not worth eating, as they must not be ripe or that they are sour. This example follows a pattern: one may consider seeking something, find it unattainable, and reduce one's dissonance by criticizing it.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
What do all these people have in common?
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Vincent Van Gogh, Ben Franklin, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Henry David Thoreau, HG Wells, Dalai Lama, Leo Tolstoy, Princess Diana, Jane Goodall, Martina Navratilova, Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Michael J Fox, Naomi Watts, Natalie Portman, Oliver Stone, Samuel Jackson, Jessica Biel, Joaquin Phoenix, Orlando Bloom, Leonardo DiCaprio, Woody Harrelson, Richard Gere, Vanessa Williams, Gillian Anderson, Willem Defoe, Ed Begley, Casey Affleck, Kevin Nealon, Cameron Diaz, Carl Lewis, Liv Tyler, Demi Moore, Woody Allen, Kate Winslet, Claudia Shiffer, Casey Kasem, Dennis Kucinich, Alicia Silverstone, Pamela Anderson, Daryl Hannah, all of the Beatles: Paul, John, George and Ringo, Alanis Moresette, Lea Michelle (Glee), Pink, Madonna, Bob Marley, Jeff Beck, Michael Bolton, Bryan Adams, Robin Gibbon (Bee Gees), Michael Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Carry Underwood, Prince, Seal, Shania Twain, Ellen DeGeneres, Jim Carrey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Toby Maguire, Zooey Deschanel, Emily Deschanel, Jennifer Connelly, Lisa Kidrow, Jerry Seinfeld, John Cleese, Anne Hathaway, Drew Barrymore, James Cromwell, Alec Baldwin, Bill Maher, Christina Applegate, Alyssa Milano, Mary Tyler Moore, Dustin Hoffman, Coretta King, Rosa Parks,
John McDougall MD
Joel Fuhrman MD
Neal Barnard, MD
Caldwell Esselstyn MD
William Harris, MD
Michael Klaper, MD
Michael Greger, MD
Walter Jacobson MD
Leila Masson MD
T. Colin Campbell, PhD
Ruth Heidrich, PhD
Neal Pinckney PhD
Jeff Novick RD
Vesanto Melina, RD
Julieanna Hever RD
Brenda Davis RD
Connie Sanchez ND
Douglas Graham DC
Bryanna Clark Grogan Author
Gail Davis Rhamy Author/Speaker
Marie Oser Author/Speaker
Rynn Berry Author/Speaker
Ron Pickarski Chef
Rip Esselstyn Tri-athlete/Author
Jeffrey Masson Author
Nava Atlas Author/Chef
Emily Webber Chef/Teacher
John Robbins Author/Speaker
These are all people who eat a plant based diet.
The vertical list includes doctors, dietitians, authors, animal activists, chefs, and humanitarians. See their individual websites by going to Scroll all the way down.
For an even larger list of celebrities who eat a plant based diet go to
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." Albert Einstein
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